The East Cut Community Benefit District appreciates your interest in our neighborhood community garden! The project, located at 29 Essex Street behind Rene Cazenave Apartments, was initially conceived in late 2019, with further development in 2020, and is supported by the City’s Community Challenge Grant program, as well as funding from the Guy/Lansing Neighbors, and The East Cut CBD.
The following is the full scope of the community garden project:
- 20 wood garden plots (3 communal, 7 for Rene Cazenave Apartments, 10 for all other residents)
- 6 water spigots
- Tool shed
- Trash containers
- Community Garden rules sign
- Site planting (lemon tree, perimeter shrubs)
The project reached substantial completion at the end of February 2022! See below for further schedule updates:
Many thanks to our funding partners that have made this project possible:
Community Challenge Grants
East Cut Property Owners
Guy-Lansing Neighbors
We would also like to thank the Office of Community Investment & Infrastructure (OCII) that has allowed us to build this project on their property.