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Tiny Atlas Quarterly Climate Benefit Show

Posted on December 6, 2017

On Thursday, December 14th, Tiny Atlas Quarterly and The East Cut Community District will be hosting a benefit show and silent auction to support non-profits that fight and respond to the effects of climate change. The show will feature a curated selection of images from the Tiny Atlas Community, with 100% of your proceeds going to non-profit organizations. There will be drinks and delicious treats from Yo Tambien. The silent auction will begin at 6:30pm.

Date: Thursday, December 14th
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: 302 Folsom Street

RSVP here.

100% of the proceeds from the #mytinyatlasclimate show will be distributed by the the following beneficiaries:

Sonoma County Resilience Fund
After Antarctica
Waves for Water
Te Ora Naho

To jumpstart the benefit show, Tiny Atlas put out a call for entry to their community for image submissions. Over 3,500 images have been submitted from all over the world. A juried selection of both framed and unframed prints and a silent auction will be the main features of the show. The panel of judges for the print show is a mix of photographers, environmental activists, creative directors, and curators. The show will feature photographs from over 125 photographers including Ja Soon Kim, Jeremy Koreski, Dan Tom, Sam Horine, and Brendan Pattengale. Additionally, there will be a live installation of glacial meltwater art from Hanna Perrine Mode and a sneak peak at Tasha Van Zandt’s documentary After Antarctica. Follow Tiny Atlas on Instagram at @tinyatlasquarterly for a sneak peek at the artwork.


Tiny Atlas Quarterly (TAQ) is a lifestyle travel magazine with a large Instagram community of 130,000 targeted and engaged travel and photography focused followers. The #mytinyatlas tag, garners over 200,000 posts per month. They have hosted influential and well-attended photo shows in the past two years in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Montauk. To see some examples of their previous events, check out: #mytinyatlasMONTAUK #mytinyatlasSOLAS #LOVEmytinyatlas on Instagram.